to an Angel"
"Even in my darkest
hour//This Angel flies deep in my
soul//Even though I did not ask him
to//His brilliant light comes shining
through//When I cannot lift my weary
head//Or be inspired enough to even jump
out of bed//The Angels laughing eyes
they shine//Try as I might I cannot
hide//From their purity and
light//Telling me what I've always
known//That I have to be true to what
he's shown//In that blessed joyous
gift//Of dance and wondrous joy//My
happiness lifts//My thoughts they
whisper 'You're mad at me'//'I've let
you down so terribly'//Would My Angel
point the finger of blame//Say of me he
was ashamed//Or would he wrap his arms
around me so tight//Tell me not to be
afraid of the night//These dark nights,
we all have them//They come along when
we least expect them//This Angel is so
great in my eyes//To his values I only
want to aspire//Act upon his words of
strength and wisdom//O, how I wish I
could be like him!//He told me I must
face the pain//If anything in my life I
want to gain//Yet sometimes it is so
dreadfully hard//To do right by my
Angel, as I promised I would//I know he
loves me when I'm at my peak//And for
attention I do not seek//I dance for
him, the energy flowing//Love and joy
building and growing//Yet I am like that
girl with the curl in the middle of her
forehead//When I am good, I am very very
good//But when I'm bad I'm horrid//I
only want to continue to try//Not to be
a bad person in his eyes//That he will
smile at me and say//I'm glad that our
paths crossed this day//Fulfil your
dreams and make me proud//No more will
stormy weather cloud//Your horizons, now
so blue and sunny//Your wish will come
true if you believe so strongly//So,
even in my darkest moments//When the
world seems cold and cruel//My Shining
Angel comes shining through//I might try
and deny my love for him//But there's no
escape from what I feel//He will always
be my beloved so dear//No matter what
life may bring//This love for him I will
always sing//No one will ever be
able//To banish this love so strong and
stable//You may try and take it away
from my head//In my heart it remains
until the end of days..."..............
(c) Belinda Hamilton, Nov. 16, 1999